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Showing posts from August, 2019

Difference Between Analysts and Statisticians

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ANALYSTS AND STATISTICIANS In today’s digital landscape, data has become one of the biggest and most important assets for almost all organizations. Data can be fetched from anywhere and it’s actually transforming the way we live. Statistics and analytics are two branches of data science. Analysts specialize in exploring what’s in your data, statisticians focus more on inferring what’s beyond it. Let’s have a look at basic analytics? Try googling the weather. Whenever you use a search engine, you’re doing basic analytics. You’re pulling up weather data and looking at it. What expert analysts do? They’re all about taking a huge unexplored dataset and mining it for inspiration. Analysts are lightning-fast coders who can surf vast datasets quickly, they are data storytellers. Their mandate is to summarize interesting facts and to use data for inspiration. In some organizations those facts and that inspiration become input for human deci

Green Cloud Computing

What is green cloud? Green cloud is a word that refers to the possible environmental benefits that IT services delivered over the internet can offer. Green means environment-friendly while the cloud represents the internet service, delivery model.  Green computing is defined as the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems-efficiently and effectively with insignificant or no impact on the environment. Goals of green cloud computing The main goal of Green Computing is to adopt those Information Technical products that creates minimal carbon footprint. The goals of green computing are similar to green chemistry like to: a)      Minimize energy consumption. b)      Purchasing green energy The steps that lead to fulfilling of these goals include building up of Green Data Centre’s, Using recycle tech ma


BIOMETRICS: We live in a world today, in which technology moves at a very rapid pace. Many of these technological advances can be used to make our everyday lives easier and safer. One of these new technologies is Biometrics .   Biometrics is the process of measuring a person’s physical properties. This would include measuring things like fingerprints, retinas, vein structure on the back of the hand i.e. hand geometry, voice pattern , facial recognition, and many other things. It is a very important topic because it would create better security precautions for certain places that need to be secure. Biometrics will make our society safer by only allowing authorized people out of secure facilities and by keeping the unauthorized people out. Biometrics is used in many places and there is a bright future for them.  Coca Cola has recently replaced the time card system with hand scanning machines.  Facial Recognition system at IGI, Delhi. Biometric attendance in the workp