We live in a world today, in which
technology moves at a very rapid pace. Many of these technological advances can
be used to make our everyday lives easier and safer. One of these new
technologies is Biometrics.
Biometrics is the process of measuring a
person’s physical properties. This would include measuring things like
fingerprints, retinas, vein structure on the back of the hand i.e. hand
geometry, voice pattern , facial recognition, and many other things. It is a
very important topic because it would create better security precautions for
certain places that need to be secure. Biometrics will make our society safer
by only allowing authorized people out of secure facilities and by keeping the
unauthorized people out.
Biometrics is used in many places
and there is a bright future for them.
Coca Cola has recently
replaced the time card system with hand scanning machines. Facial Recognition
system at IGI, Delhi.
Biometric attendance in the
Fingerprint scanners are being used in many
states of the US. They have been used to trace social welfare fraud. An iris
pattern identification system is being used in Cook County, Illinois to ensure
that the right people are released from jail. ATM machines have been installed with
finger scanners to prevent theft and fraud in Indiana. The world’s major credit
card companies are using finger scanning devices to protect credit card
information and save the consumer from credit card fraud.
Biometrics is almost everywhere in
one form or the other.
There is a variety of different biometrics, in addition
to the mentioned above. The technologies are different, some are more reliable,
and they'll all improve with time.
Biometrics is attractive. Your
voiceprint unlocks the door of your house. Your iris scan lets you into the
corporate offices. You are your own key. Unfortunately, the reality isn't that
Everything on the earth has two faces, same with this,
Biometrics are unique identifiers, but they are not secrets. You leave
your fingerprints on everything you touch, and your iris patterns can be
observed anywhere you look.
Biometrics is a slow-moving train, but a train nonetheless. This may
accelerate it.
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