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Showing posts from March, 2021


“Security is an illusio n and Privacy is a myth” Besides maintaining privacy do you think your data is actually secured?No! it’s not. We have heard about so many data stealing commonly known as data breach, but do you know what it means? A data breach or data leak is the release of sensitive, confidential or protected data to an untrusted environment. It is a security incident in which data is accessed without authorization. It involves information leakage or exfiltration—unauthorized copying or transmission of data, without affecting the source data. In some cases it incites to complete loss of data. For example in case of ransomware attacks, the unauthorized person encrypts your entire data and asks for a huge ransom to decrypt the data. In other words, in a data breach, hackers or employees release sensitive data. As a result, the data might be lost, or used by perpetrators for various malicious purposes. As technology progresses, more and more of our information has been movi

'Walking' molecule superstructures could help create neurons for regenerative medicine

3d printed novel biomaterial mimics properties of living tissue Imagine if surgeons could transplant healthy neurons into patients living with neurodegenerative diseases or brain and spinal cord injuries. And imagine if they could "grow" these neurons in the laboratory from a patient's own cells using a synthetic, highly bioactive material that is suitable for 3D printing. By discovering a new printable biomaterial that can mimic properties of brain tissue, Northwestern Engineering researchers are now closer to developing a platform capable of treating these conditions using regenerative medicine.   A key ingredient to the discovery is the ability to control the self-assembly processes of molecules within the material, enabling the researchers to modify the structure and functions of the systems from the  nanoscale  to the scale of visible features. The laboratory of Samuel I . Stupp published a 2018 paper in the journal Science which showed that materials can b