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Showing posts from June, 2019


BLOCKCHAIN : BEYOND HORIZON "The blockchain cannot be described just as a revolution. It is  the tsunami-like phenomenon, slowly advancing and gradually enveloping everything along its way by the force of its progression" A blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block a timestamp, and transaction data. The main purpose of this component of blockchain technology is to create a  secure digital identity reference. Identity is based on the possesion of a combination of private and public cryptographic keys. The combination of these keys can be seen as a dexterous form of consent, creating an extremely useful digital signature.  In turn, this digital signature provides strong control of ownership. The three main properties of blockchain technology which has helped it gain widespread acclaim are as follows: Decentralization Transparency immutability

Extended Reality

Extended Reality (XR) is the term used for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), as well as all future realities such technology might bring.Extended Reality covers the full spectrum of real and virtual environments. To use XR is to recognize the intersection of these technologies, and the many ways they will work together to disrupt our everyday tasks. Virtual Reality VR, or the computer-simulated reality, is a technology that allows humans to immerse into a reality that is entirely different from a real one or that replicates reality.  This  provides humans with an opportunity to gain new experiences and come to be in places where they are unable to be at a specific moment of time. VR is widely used in the gaming and entertainment industries, as well as for various types of training.  Augmented Reality This technology augments the existing physical environment with specific features by enriching it with graphics, video, sounds and o
What will happen if  Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence shake hands? Brain-to-computer interfaces and intelligence boosting chips implanted in the brain could soon make their way out of the realms of science fiction and into reality. BCIs are electronic microchips that are embedded into the brain to literally connect our minds to computers- basically, brain chips. A neuroscientist is currently developing a non-invasive computer chip that when implanted in the brain could give an individual super intelligence. A key part of the research is finding a non-invasive way to get the computer chip to the brain without drilling a hole in the skull. The average IQ is around 100. A high IQ is anything abovee 140, and a genius IQ is 160 or more, but with a smart brain chip , people could pay to have IQs of 200 or more.   Over the past twenty years, neuroscientists have been quietly building a revolutionary technology called BrainGate that wirelessly connects the human mi

Facebook's Cryptocurrency

  F acebook's   C ryptocurrency , LI B RA Facebook's LIBRA  is going to be released on 18th of June, 19. It is the code named cryptocurrency who's arrival was awaited for a very long period of time . Company’s Head of Financial Services said  that the white paper would debut June 18th, and that the cryptocurrency would indeed be pegged to a basket of currencies rather than a single one like the US dollar to prevent price fluctuations.  The debut of Libra could unlock a new era of commerce and payments for the social network. It could be used to offer low or no-fee payments between friends or remittance of earnings to family s  from migrant workers abroad who are often gouged by money transfer services. Sidestepping credit card transaction fees could also allow Facebook’s cryptocurrency to offer a cheaper way to pay merchants for traditional eCommerce , or facilitate micro transactions.  And a better understanding of who buys what or which brands or pop