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Green Cloud Computing

What is green cloud?

Green cloud is a word that refers to the possible environmental benefits that IT services delivered over the internet can offer. Green means environment-friendly while the cloud represents the internet service, delivery model. 

Green computing is defined as the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems-efficiently and effectively with insignificant or no impact on the environment.

Goals of green cloud computing

The main goal of Green Computing is to adopt those Information Technical products that creates minimal carbon footprint.
The goals of green computing are similar to green chemistry like to:
a)      Minimize energy consumption.
b)      Purchasing green energy

The steps that lead to fulfilling of these goals include building up of Green Data Centre’s, Using recycle tech material. Supply Chain Energy Usage and Green Cloud Computing Architecture

The Green Benefits
In today’s world environment is a hot-button issue, there are several steps taking place in order to reduce carbon footprints, banning plastics, providing clean drinking water to all those in need, and slowing climate change in other ways. One way to participate in environmental initiatives is green cloud computing.

Some major benefits of green cloud computing are:

  •      Reduced energy usage from green computing techniques translates into lower carbon dioxide emissions, stemming from a reduction in the fossil fuel used in power plants and transportation.
  •     Conserving resources means less energy is required to produce, use, and dispose of products.
  •      Saving energy and resources saves money
  •     Green computing even includes changing government policy to encourage recycling and lowering energy use by individuals and businesses.
  •      Reduce the risk existing in the laptops such as chemical known to cause cancer, nerve damage and immune reactions in humans.
Also, research has suggested that, if a larger organisation switches even one of their major application to the Cloud, then they could save an average of 30,000 metric tons of CO2 within 5 years, which is the equivalent of getting 6,000 cars off the road. When you think about it, that’s a huge environmental impact.

Interesting Research Findings
While deploying data center, the sole concern is high-performance, and this demand has been fulfilled without paying much attention to the energy consumption. An average data center guzzles energy as much as 25,000 households. There is a necessity to move the focus to optimizing for energy efficiency while maintaining high service level performance than optimizing data center resource management for pure performance, as the energy cost is increasing while the availability dwindles. According to certain reports, the total estimated energy bill for data centres in the year 2010 was $11.5 billion and energy costs in a typical data center doubles every five years.
For the development of cloud computing and it to sustain green technologies is exceedingly essential. Of the numerous green methodologies enquired, the DVFS technology is a highly hardware oriented approach and hence it is less flexible.
Cloud computing is a highly scalable and cost-effective infrastructure for running an enterprise and the web applications. But the critical issue is the drastic surge in the energy consumption of data centers which is triggering by the growing demand for cloud infrastructure. Hence, the energy-efficient solutions are required which results in less number of carbon footprints and thus help in achieving greener computing


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